Small Pond Studios

Book Your Free Ticket to Our Music Industry Workshops

Book Your Free Ticket to Our Music Industry Workshops

We’re hosting four free workshops with music industry pros as part of our Emerging Artists initiative You may remember a couple of months ago, we announced a new edition of our Emerging Artists initiative. Whilst only a select few artists will be joining the project officially, we’ve opened up these workshops to the general public […]

InTechnicolour release Sophomore album Midnight Heavyweight

InTechnicolour release Sophomore album Midnight Heavyweight

Heavyweight Rockers from Brighton release their new doom and gloom album. Well, its been a couple of years since their debut album big Sleeper was released into the world but finally we have the long awaited follow up from Brighton based heavy rock band InTechnicolour PRE ORDER HERE By this point you’re probably pretty familiar […]

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